The Swing is a climbing lanyard from the brand Camp. Whether you're on a multi-pitch route or mountaineering, there always comes a time when anchoring yourself becomes a necessity. With the Swing lanyard, you can stay safe without restricting your movements. Once installed, you can adjust your distance from the cliff as desired, even under load.
- Dynamic rope with a 9.7 mm diameter and sewn loop
- Adjustable from 20 to 100 cm
- Can be used with any type of screw-lock carabiner thanks to the large connection hole
- Connects to the harness's tie-in loop with a lark's head knot
- Extremely functional positioning lanyard that allows easy and quick adjustment of the distance between the climber and the anchor. Once the Swing is connected to the harness and the anchor, simply turn the aluminum block to move away from the anchor (even under load) and pull the free rope strand to perform the reverse operation.
- Weight: 145 g