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Merino Wool Guide: Everything you need to know


Merino Wool Guide: Everything you need to know

Merino: this simple word is enough to immediately project a feeling of softness, the wool nestled against you. For others, it is also the vision of proud alpine sheep that comes to mind. From technical clothing for sports to lifestyle sweaters, merino wool is now everywhere! And for good reason: between thermoregulatory properties, respect for the environment and natural composition, merino wool clearly stands out from the crowd.

History, properties, use, and maintenance: today we deliver to you all the secrets of this magical wool that is at the center of all discussion in the world of outdoor sports brands. And soon, you will be wearing merino wool clothes in winter and summer! 

Merino wool: origins & history

Merino wool: origins & history

Before giving you our 6 good reasons for adopting merino wool clothing, a bit of history is in order! As you can imagine, merino wool is sheep's wool, which comes from the merino sheep themselves, a breed of sheep from Asia Minor very quickly introduced into Spain in the 12th century.

Today, merino sheep breeding takes place mainly in Australia, which accounts for around 80% of world production, New Zealand and South Africa. However, it is possible to find farms on both sides of the globe, including in France. Another highlight, a merino sheep is capable of producing between 4 and 9 kg of wool per year, enough to make a large quantity of merino clothing! Three times thinner than traditional wool, merino wool is suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive, and offers respectable elasticity and resistance.

With this beautiful story in mind, let's now get to the heart of the matter: what properties make this merino wool so special?

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6 good reasons to wear merino wool

Why wear merino wool?

Merino wool is an ideal temperature-regulating material for all season

First advantage, and not the least, which makes merino wool so attractive: it can be worn in summer as well as in winter! Indeed, the fibers of merino wool have the property of trapping small air cushions. A garment made of merino wool thus becomes a true thermal insulator (the trapped air acts as an excellent insulator). This insulation creates a buffer between the wearer and your environment and helps regulate your body temperature.

This thermoregulation of the wool fiber also makes it possible to evacuate sweat efficiently. Merino wool therefore protects you from the cold in winter, and from the surrounding heat in summer: a real 4-season material! Stunning, isn't it? And that's just the beginning! 

Merino wool is a natural and biodegradable material

Produced by the sheep themselves, merino wool is therefore by definition a 100% natural material… and renewable! Sheep naturally produce wool, and shearing recovers the fleeces.

Also, wool in its natural state is completely biodegradable. When buried, merino wool decomposes and can even be used as fertilizer as it releases nutrients. However, everything that is good for the planet is good for your skin: sensitive skin will particularly appreciate this natural material!

Merino wool is an antibacterial material that neutralizes odors 

This is a property of merino wool that should make all the difference for athletes: not retaining water, it limits the development of bacteria. However, who says limitation of bacteria, also says limitation of bad smells! Merino wool has, in fact, strong antibacterial properties, which differentiates it from other materials, such as synthetic for example, which trap odors more easily.

Also, merino wool is endowed within its fibers with a molecule, keratin, which helps to destroy bacteria. A double action against bacteria and bad odors that you will appreciate for your intense activities! Thus, your merino garment does not need to be washed as regularly as other materials, because it's odor resistant. 

Merino wool is a pleasant material, soft to wear, which does not scratch

Another major advantage: contrary to popular belief, merino wool does not scratch! No more itchy and warm winter sweaters! Did you know that a merino fiber can be up to three times thinner than a human hair? However, the thinner a fiber, the less it scratches.

The thin fibers of merino wool (generally between 25 and 16 microns for the finest) thus prevent any unpleasant sensation and even offer real softness against the skin. Cashmere effect guaranteed!

Merino wool is a durable material, which cleans easily and dries quickly

As with sweat, stains, soil and other dirt do not become embedded in the garment and remain on the surface. This allows merino wool to be easily washed, a significant advantage for sportsmen and adventurers who embark on great journeys in the great outdoors!

In addition, merino wool reacts to changes in humidity. The fiber core can thus absorb up to 35% of its weight in humidity, which allows the sweat generated to be removed and evaporated. The thinner the wool, the faster the evacuation! When you regularly practice a sporting activity, these details change everything! 

Merino wool offers natural UV protection

The last advantage, which is far from being a detail, merino wool offers a natural barrier against UV rays, which protects your skin during your outdoor activities. Not bad, isn’t it?

As you will have understood, merino wool therefore offers incredible advantages when you regularly practice a sporting activity. Cleaning, washing, smells, no more renewing your wardrobe every quarter! With merino wool, you'll keep them all year round! If you are now convinced to adopt merino wool in your daily life, now it remains to know how to choose your technical merino underwear so that it is suitable for the winter or summer season. 

How to choose your merino wool underwear?

How to choose your merino wool underwear?

Choose the right weight of merino wool

If you look at the labels of the composition of your thermal clothing, you will quickly realize that the weight of merino wool is mentioned. This weight gives you an indication of the level of warmth of your thermal clothing. Thus, the higher the indicated weight of merino wool, the denser and therefore insulating your garment will be. You will generally find merino wool weights between 100 and 300 g/m2.

In summer, you will therefore favour a light and breathable garment, so you will have to opt for a low weight. In winter, on the contrary, it is better to choose a garment that will keep you warmer and therefore has a heavier weight (around 300 g/m2).

100% merino or a mix of materials?

Another option available to you is to opt for hybrid clothing, made up of merino wool and synthetic materials. These garments thus offer the combined advantages of the two materials: faster drying, but also lighter, increased elasticity and resistance. Depending on your use, especially if it is summer, this mix of materials can be a good compromise between natural and synthetic fibers.

Merino wool for your outdoor activities all year round

Merino wool for your outdoor activities all year round

Merino wool underwear for winter: downhill skiing, ski touring or snowshoeing

Who says winter activity, necessarily means temperatures a little chilly! Mountaineering or skiing are activities that bring you to be confronted with cold or even negative temperatures, and therefore require significant thermal protection. Thus, the ideal weight of your merino wool clothing for winter activities will be between 200 and 300 g/m2.

Afterwards, everything also depends on your sporting activity and its intensity. For example, if you practice ski touring or cross-country skiing, your body is constantly in motion and requires very good breathability with less thermal input. You will therefore choose merino wool clothes whose weight will be around 200 g/m2.

On the contrary, if you practice downhill skiing or the conditions in which you find yourself are particularly cold (mountaineering for example), opt for thermal underwear whose weight is high. Besides the weight, the cut of your merino garment can also play an important role. Thus, a looser cut will be more breathable, and can therefore allow appreciable ventilation for intense activities such as hiking. To avoid any drafts, a cut close to the body is recommended. 

Underwear merino wool clothing for summer

Underwear merino wool clothing for summer: hiking, trail running, climbing, Nordic walking

For activities in hot weather, this time, it is recommended to turn to products with a weight of up to 200 g/m2. The lower heat input will be, the more adequate to summer temperatures. A loose cut can also play a cooling role, which will not be negligible in hot weather. We have selected 4 essential products for summer activities!

The merino wool used by the biggest outdoor brands

Merino Wool Guide: Everything you need to know

Icebreaker merino wool underwear

Born from an encounter with a merino sheep breeder in New Zealand, the Icebreaker brand is one of the pioneers in the use of merino wool for its technical clothing. Whatever your outdoor activity, the brand equips you with one of the best merino wool on the market. From jerseys or thermal tights to underwear, Icebreaker clothing offers incredible softness and excellent durability. 

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Do you swear by merino wool? So that your favorite merino garment never leaves your wardrobe, let us give you some maintenance tips: it will thank you! 

Merino wool: how to wash and maintain it properly?

Merino wool: how to wash and maintain it properly?

To take care of your merino clothes, nothing hard, but a few precautions should be kept in mind. We explained it to you earlier, unlike your cotton or synthetic clothes, merino wool needs less maintenance and therefore needs to be washed less often.

If you have done a low-intensity activity, just air out your merino garment and let it dry, no need to put it directly in the washing machine. If you want to wash your wool garment, you can put it in the washing machine, taking care to choose a delicate or specific wool program. Take the time to turn your garment inside out to prevent the wool from coming out on the surface of the fabric (which can happen).

Also, avoid washing your garment at too hot a temperature, which could lead to your garment shrinking. Use a mild detergent suitable for woolen fabrics. Also avoid using fabric softeners which will clog the natural fibers of merino wool and therefore reduce its effectiveness.

Next step, drying: the dryer is prohibited here. A natural flat drying allows you to preserve your merino wool underwear. A little tip: a terry cloth towel placed under your merino garment will absorb moisture all the more quickly and help it retain its original shape. That's it !

If you had to remember just one piece of advice, take the time to read the labels of your merino wool clothes and follow the instructions given by the brand, it's the only way not to make mistakes with this magic wool!

Trying it is adopting it : merino wool is the ideal companion for all your outdoor activities, all year round! Do you need advice on choosing your merino clothing? Do not hesitate to contact our team of experts on +33 (0) 1 84 67 14 24 (free call) or by sending a message from our Help Center. Our experts will be able to help you find the best product suiting your needs! 

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Crédits photos : ©Icebreaker
